While scouring my city for a set of Nintendo Wii component cables (to no avail) I have turned up a bit of info that some of you may find helpful.

First off, EB Games will be receiving shipments of Nintendo Wii accessories this Friday. Also, according to the Hylia Best Buys in Canada will be receiving Nintendo Wii consoles and accessories this Friday as well. If this is true, I would bet that EB Games and Best Buys in America will more than likely be receiving consoles along with accessories this Friday. My local EB Games is even opening early at 7:00am – you can bet that I’ll be there!

As for my component cable adventure, while visiting the local Best Buy they told me that not only did they have no component cables in stock, but that there were none on order either. Hopefully this was just a mix up and someone forgot to enter them into their system! Fry’s Electronics had sold every single accessory they had in stock on launch day so no luck there until a possible Thursday delivery arrives, but the employee I spoke with didn’t sound optimistic. Good luck to everyone out there! 🙂